what that will happen to your body if you start eating money every day just what do you know about honey it is sweet made by bees and Winnie the Pooh loves it but do you also know that honey has existed for millions of years that honey will never spoil if kept in an airtight container or that it is the only product which contains all the necessary ingredients to keep you alive and healthy vitamins enzymes minerals and water we have bright side I've been looking for quite some time for such a product and it turned out to be natural honey today we are exploring its numerous healthy properties and we're definitely going to eat a spoonful of it every day from now on.
1; Clearer Skin
Even if you have probably heard that
sweet things make your skin look and feel unhealthy opening the pores and making
it earlier it doesn't refer to honey if you don't eat a container every day
that is in fact in reasonable quantities honey can be very beneficial it is an
excellent antioxidant which means its regular consumption will cleanse your
body of various toxins also its antibacterial properties will considerably
improve the condition of your skin.
you may not only enjoy a spoonful of honey once a day to make your skin glow try to apply honey externally you can use it as a moisturizer light scrub pore cleanser and even a treatment of acne make a moisturizing mask you will need to take one teaspoon of honey only raw and spread it on your dry and clear skin let it stay this way for about 15 minutes and then rinse it away with slightly warm water the thing is honey has a quality which allows it to absorb moisture from the air and transfer it to the skin and your face receives the hydration that lasts longer and stays in the layers of skin where it is most needed if you want to make an exfoliator take one tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of honey mix it and carefully rub your damp fades with the concoction afterward rinse it all away voila nourishing cleansing exfoliating and the hydrating miracle is ready as for acne all you need to do is to apply drops of honey to the areas which need attention and let it be for about 10 minutes after that it is okay to just rinse it away antifungal and antibacterial properties of honey as well as its anti-inflammatory effect ensure that such treatment is effective.
2; Loss Of Excess Weights
This is one of the main health
benefits of consuming honey especially if you are concerned about extra weight
if you're watching your weight doctors recommend excluding all sugar based
sweets but not honey that's because the sugar present in this product has a
different composition from that found and other sweeteners honey boosts your
metabolism which is essential for weight loss how can I lose weight eating
something sweet well it is a reasonable question you see unlike its refined
white colleague honey also contains minerals and vitamins beneficial for your
body what is more you will find in this product lots of such nutrients as fiber
protein and water so it is not just empty calories here are several effective
recipes for drinks that can help to lose weight form water honey and lemon
juice drink it once a day and besides weight loss simulated by lemon you will
also enjoy faster metabolism the effect honey has warm water honey and cinnamon
cinnamon has qualities beneficial for losing weight combined with honey it will
give an amazing result and it is so yummy.
3; Lowered Cholesterol Level
Cholesterol is extremely important
for some functions of our boy at the same time it leads the cause of death
number one heart disease paradox absolutely not the trick here is in existence
of two types of cholesterol all the problems root from the bad cholesterol
honey has no plural at all quite the contrary its constituent components and
vitamins contribute to decreasing levels of the bad cholesterol daily
consumption of honey has a beneficial effect on the level of antioxidant compounds
of the body that can fight excess cholesterol look at it this way it is a
perfect and non-drug way to fight high cholesterol.
4; Stronger Heart
Research shows that the antioxidants contained in honey can prevent arteries from narrowing depending on the place of occurrence narrowing they lead to cardiac failure memory deterioration or headaches drinking a glass of water with a few spoonfuls of honey will be enough to prevent that a study has been conducted that involved 25 men from 18 to 70 years old they were given a big glass of water with four tablespoons of honey in it after taking this drink for some period of time it was noted that the men had raised levels of antioxidants in their blood by the way if you are hesitating in front of the honey stall contemplating which type of money to choose bear in mind that dark honey has the biggest amount of antioxidants.
5; Better Memory
Have you noticed that you have lost the
ability to concentrate do you catch yourself being absent-minded don't worry
eat honey as another research demonstrates honey can fight stress restore the
cellular antioxidant defense system and as a consequence improve memory besides
the calcium contains hunting is easily ingested by the brain which has a beneficial
effect on its functioning in another long-lasting study which was conducted
from 2003 to 2008 and involved about 3,000 elderly people it was proved that
honey significantly lowers the chances of developing such a terrible condition
as dementia eager to try it out there's nothing simpler eat one or two spoons
of honey just before you go to bed in this case it will also boost your metabolism
that tends to slow down at night for 30 minutes before you have breakfast in
this case it will also help with any stomach disease you might have.
6; Sounder Sleep
The sugar contained in honey
increases the level of insulin in the blood which then releases serotonin
serotonin is further transformed into melatonin a hormone that promotes quality
sleep people who have started taking just one spoonful of honey before going to
bed are amazed they call it golden medicine and claim that they have the best
and most restful sleep ever perhaps it's time to try it out.
7; Healthier Stomach
Honey is a strong antiseptic so as
we have already mentioned it's recommended to eat a spoonful of honey on an
empty stomach this simple ritual helps to prevent various diseases associated with
the digestive tract besides while passing through the stomach money destroys
germs and heals small wounds in the mucous membrane have you ever had this
dreadful feeling that you would first after a lovely family dinner or birthday
party it is exactly honey that will keep you intact it soothes the stomach in
the case of overeating if you know that are going to try each and every dish at
a corporate party take one spoonful of honey in advance later it will help you in
case of indigestion but if the heavy meal is already behind and you don't feel
so great drink warm water with honey and lemon it will help you to get better.
8; Relieved Nervous Tension
This might sound odd but a fact is a fact
honey helps to soothe the nerves and relieve fatigue the glucose contained in
honey is essential for the work of neurons it is quickly absorbed into the blood
which furthers relaxation and alleviation of psychological disorders honey is
an amazing product isn't it hit the like button if you are a fan of it just
like we need a poo and we are showing you the bonus that will be especially
useful in the winter honey and garlic combo when combined with another natural
remedy with strong antiseptic and healing properties garlic the power of honey
will increase tenfold garlic infused honey will boost your immune system and
keep you in good health you're going to need the following ingredients three to
four heads of garlic one cup of raw honey a small jar with a lid separate the
garlic heads into cloves and remember their outer layers put them into the jar
and then pour honey over them remove bubbles if necessary cover the jar with a
lid and put it away to infuse for a few days take one spoonful a day on an
empty stomach and you will feel energized and healthy like never before hopefully
you are already ready to your kitchen or the nearest store to start your honey
based treatment but remember just one thing like overindulging and anything
else any too much honey can cause some serious problems maybe you have noticed
that in all the recipes all you need is one or maximum of two spoonfuls of honey
no wonder if you eat more it can dramatically increase your sugar level cause
allergy or lead to putting on excess weight there Fork eat it moderately what
about you do you like honey perhaps you know some food recipes involving this
amazing product share in the comment below and share this blog with your friends and family you want them to be
healthy after all don't you remember that on the bright side it is always sunny
and funny subscribe to our channel stay tuned.
Thank you for reading.