Cattle driving was a major activity for Rottweilers. Rottweilers had another landmark project in addition to driving cattle to the butcher. It is the same work known to the Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs and the Bernese Mountain Dogs, and is in the working group. You see, like their Swiss cousins, the Rottweiler drovers were also used as dogs for centuries.

While the main occupation of the herd was herding large herds, they were often used to pull small wagons and carry items such as milk to the market.

Why, then, were dogs, such as the Rotties, so often used as a substitute for a horse, which would carry a greater burden? There are a number of reasons. And many of those reasons lead back to the fact that the dog was the most economical method under the circumstances.

For the most part, recruited dogs were employed by small farmers. Maybe it was a family with a few dairy cows or a few chicken coops. Or maybe they were subsistence farmers, who used most of their crops and could save a little money to sell. In any case, in most cases, these were not the main landowners. They did not have a large amount of product to take to market and they did not have much money to invest in a carrier. No matter what point in history we are talking about, it always costs less to buy a good dog than a good horse.

Let's look at the plight of a small dairy farmer. The horse was to use the same pasture as its cattle, eating the same grass and grain. His choice may come to the question of whether he wants a horse, or whether he wants to add another cow to his herd and increase the amount of milk produced by his farm.

The dog, on the other hand, will not eat anywhere near the amount of food that the horse might have made. Also, the dog would not interfere with the feeding of cattle. While often viewed as edible, dogs actually have a certain omnivore tendency. The farmer could give them food for whatever his family ate that night. Also, the dog can add to its diet by hunting insects or insects.

Also, in the case of Rottweilers, a dog can serve many purposes. He could not be used to herd cattle from pasture to the kraal, in addition to drawing milk to the market. His defensive nature made him an excellent farm keeper, too.

In addition to those reasons why you should use a dog, there were also health problems. As anyone who knows a lot about horses can tell you, the word "healthy as a horse" is a little misleading. Horses are actually very sensitive animals. Lots of green grass in the spring and can develop and deform. A sudden change in the type or amount of grain and they can get colic, and possibly die. On the other hand, a farm dog can be very difficult (the word "sick as a dog" is also deceptive). And let's not forget the fact that you usually don't have to put a shoe on the dog.

Toward the end of the 19th century, railroads almost pinned a box of dangerous dogs in southern Germany. It is legal to drive long distances for cattle on the roads. However, the Rottweilers still had their second unregistered dog job which they could get for several years thereafter.

Unfortunately, they too soon lost their jobs. Donkeys were used more than dogs as carriers. While the donkey eats the same food as the horse, because when it is big, it does not need too much. Moreover, they are heavier than horses.

Compared to dogs, a donkey can weigh more. It can also be ridden, something Rottie is too big to do. Like llamas, donkeys can make excellent predators, too, by ruthlessly chasing away anything that looks like a predator.

As a shepherd, the modern Rottweiler can still be used to move a cart. Only now, instead of work, carting is now considered a fun pastime for the dog and the owner.