Hey guys welcome back to my page blogs on different topics by Mr.Shaz and today I'm here with a feet whitening pedicure procedure that will not only whiten and brighten your skin but will also enhance your feet beauty by making it soft and supple it removes the tan from your feet and also the dead skin cells which gives your feet an amazing treatment so let's start with you.

Our first step is cleansing

so for this you need a cotton pad and a remover and I'll take some nail paint remover in the cotton pad and remove all the nail paint from my nails after this I'll take some warm water in a bucket and in it I'll add two teaspoons of lemon juice I'll squeeze one lemon into it then I will add two teaspoons of baking soda two teaspoons of salt and in the end three teaspoons of any shampoo that you like now dip your feet into this water and keep it for ten minutes this will help you to cleanse your feet after this wipe your feet with tar now.

Our next step is to make a foot scrub

for this firstly I'll need 2 teaspoons of baking soda and I'll quiz half a lemon into it I'll mix it really well now take a tooth Trusts dip it into this mixture and then you have to clean your nails properly with it apply it wherever you have dead skin i will also apply it on my heels and this will help me to remove all the dead skin from my heels after this apply any thick cream on your nails. then you have to dip it again into the same water for five minutes this will make your death skin very soft and then with the help of a cuticle remover remove all your dead skin remove it exactly in the way like me this will give your nails a proper finishing.

 After this you have to apply Curd 

apply it all over your feet now he is a natural cleanser and is really beneficial in the removal  of suntan curd also makes your skin very soft and trouble keep it for 15 minutes and then wash your feet with water.

You can see the difference guys now in the end I'll apply Vaseline or any thick cream all over my feet especially on my heels as Vaseline is very beneficial for the treatment of cracks in your heel it will make your skin super soft and smooth you can also apply nail into your feet and that's it.

You can clearly see the difference in my feet due to this pedicure it's very effective and simple to do at home.

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