The Ordinary Vitamin C Guide (skincare) BY MR.SHAZ



The ordinary vitamin c guide

I want to break down the different kinds of vitamin C and which type is best for each skin type because if you have oily skin it's going to need some very different ingredients than dry skin but if two people with two different skin types are looking for vitamin C it can be hard to know which form of vitamin c is the best so The ordinary is one of my favorite brands because they have potent actives that are inexpensive I believe all of these products are under $15 some are as low as like five bucks and most of the time they just work but there are times that they don't work which is if the wrong person uses the wrong formula for their beautiful face so first off why would somebody want to try vitamin c in a topical formula vitamin C is most well-known as being really brightening it can add a nice glow to the skin if it's applied after a sunburn it could potentially help with taking down the redness because it does have the potential to be anti-inflammatory on top of that if it's used in higher concentrations it can help with things like pigmentation or hyper-pigmentation if you have acne where once the pimple goes away it leaves behind a red or a purple or a brown mark for like six months vitamin C is one ingredient among many that could help to reduce on top of that vitamin C just kind of makes you look like a fresh Sunday morning if you wake up looking fresh on a Sunday morning because now that I think about it a lot of you are out on Saturday nights getting pretty cranked because trust me I stalk you on Instagram oh I see yo stories I know what you up to thank goodness I don't judge I just sit here like an auntie and just by the way shameless self-promotion if you want to be instagram stalked by yours truly go ahead and give me a follow unlike a couple photos I took my Instagram the same way an addict looks for a fix so head on over it help me feed my addiction no really I try to post a somewhat quality content and other times i sorely disappoint you you're welcome so the skin types we'll be talking about our oily dry and sensitive those are the three main skin types and then the two subtypes would be mature skin as well as acne prone skin so let's dive in look at me I'm rapping let's start out with acne prone skin because you're probably dealing with a breakout or have dealt with a breakout and then just stuck around after watching the videos taking the advice and clearing your skin hopefully this is he ascore belukha side 12% it is a potent vitamin C that is suspended inside of here but with no oil and no silicones those who have acne prone skin tend to know a little bit more about ingredients because we have obsessed and researched and checked and those with acne prone skin do tend to be a little bit more leery of certain oils or silicones for fear of causing breakouts and I don't blame you this is a very very lightweight serum so it goes on super smooth to the skin again no oils and no silicone but it also has a very high potency about being irritating to acne prone skin so as you can see it absorbs in really nicely and it actually works within the oily skin type this is a water-soluble option so regardless of if you have oily acne prone skin or dry acne prone skin this should work for you and it shouldn't negatively impact a lot of the other ingredients you might be using for your acne such as a salicylic or glycolic acid just as a note benzoyl peroxide is a common acne ingredient that should never be used with vitamin C not because it's dangerous but just because when the benzoyl peroxide peroxide link breaks it creates a free radical and just kills all antioxidants and vitamin C my friend is an antioxidant so if you use this alongside benzoyl peroxide you're basically just doing nothing because the two kind of cancel each other out a quick fix for that is just using them at separate times a day use your benzoyl peroxide at night and use this in the day done next let's talk about sensitive skin because I do feel like a lot of people on this channel do have sense skin and especially when it comes to vitamin C some vitamin C can be irritating and stinging to the skin so having a sensitive safe formula is a must this is the ascore Belisle palmitate solution 20% in vitamin F and this is fantastic for sensitive skin because it is an oil base this has jojoba oil which I love if you've watched my videos for over a year to now you probably know that jojoba oil is one of the things that I have used has totally calmed down and transformed my skin I can get it for just six dollars at Omega whole face down the street and to the left bahaha oil naturally mimics the lipids that our skin produces but without adding all of the cholesterol and the fatty acids could kind of gum up the skin or could attribute to acne sensitive skin often has an issue with barrier function remember our skin is basically a barrier between our inside world and the outside world and sometimes our skin can have problems with that think eczema think psoriasis think even cuts wounds or fissures but a lot of sensitive skin people have an issue with the way that their skin regulates the inside world from the outside world specifically called trans epidermal water loss if you want to look into it or if you just want to watch one of the previous videos that we've posted on this channel talking all about it but this formula is really great for sensitive skin because it is high potency but it is low irritation this has one of the lowest irritations of vitamin C you can find so if your skin is used to erythema flushing redness if you have rosacea this is probably going to be the safest bet for you again it's got that vitamin F that vitamin F is super great at kind of stabilizing this formula and helping the entire thing work together and as you can see becauseit is oil soluble it really absorbs into the skin nicely getting where it needs to go and instead of sitting up top in a higher concentration which with some of the other formulas could cause irritation hydration irritation in the nation under fasion I didn't drink coffee today but you might as well think I did hydration irritation it absorbs flawlessly and it is fantastic for those with sensitive skin before we get to eilean dry skin let's talk mature skin this is for somebody who maybe has fine lines or wrinkles or who needs skincare that not only is going to deliver the vitamin C as an active but also to help treat existing wrinkles and prevent new ones mature skin usually has a slower cellular turnover meaning it refreshes itself a little bit less frequently on top of that mature skin usually has fine lines or wrinkles and those with it usually want to treat the existing fine lines and wrinkles while at the same time preventing new ones this is the vitamin C formula that is going to be perfect for that because of the other ingredients that are in here this is the magnesium scorable phosphate at 10% it is a gorgeous hydrating cream base that really smooths onto the skin well and it has that vitamin C as well as a potent plum extract which can really help with the skin as far as the ingredients go I'm going to butcher this because I don't speak Latin we've got some plenty of Lubas seed oil which although it is difficult to pronounce it is very easy on the skin it is moisturizing it is calming and it's also anti-inflammatory so it can help if you have some irritation this as well as some plum fruit extract are really nice to the skin and actually deliver some antioxidant boost and as we know those antioxidants can help to fight free radical damage those reactive oxygen species those nasty little home wreckers that kind of try to invade our face and for those who do have older skin you need those antioxidants both internally and externally again it's a beautiful lightweight formula it kind of feels like a foundation of course it is not but because of the way it absorbs into the skin you could use it under your regular moisturizer after your serum or you could use it in place of a moisturizer if your skin tolerates that well oh oh my leg it fell asleep okay next where are my dry skin a beautiful butterflies at those who have dry skin need two different types of moisture they need surface moisture on the outside of the skin but they also need deep hydration that actually goes into the skin and plumps up and kind of helps out those different layers now as we've mentioned vitamin C is a great ingredient but it can induce dryness and a lot of people who have dry skin have found that they can't use vitamin c without exasperatingly dryness on their skin even more however this all changes if the vitamin C is paired with the correct ingredients this is the right see suspension in 30% silicone and it is fantastic for those with dry skin who needs something that will deliver that vitamin C active but also create an occlusive barrier on the top of the skin so that that hydration and any moisture that's still there doesn't leak out this is a very heavy feeling product but it does have a very smooth finish silicone is what's used in a lot of makeup primers it gives you that really silky smooth feel and for those who don't have a negative reaction to silicone it is fantastic because of the barrier that it creates on the skin it's an oxygen permeable barrier so it still lets things go in and out but it really locks in and holds down hydration while giving the skin this really don't call me creepy but like baby but smooth feel that's honestly what it feels like it's only got about five ingredients which are literally your dimethicone aka your silicones as well as your vitamin C and this is about as direct as you're going to get while still being safe for those who have dryness you see how it kind of goes on just kind of like this fluffy cloud texture perfect for dry skin lastly what about our oily skin dimittis this is a fantastic really lightweight feeling serum that helps to deliver vitamin C to the face without adding additional grease this is the ascorbic acid 8% plus alpha RV chin at 2% that is fantastic for those who have a grease bucket of a face this actually has three different really potent ingredients in it that are suspended in the vehicle that is oil-free but also water free it's an Anna hydrous again water free solution that really helps to nourish the skin but without producing excess oil because those of us with oily skin don't need more grease on this face we just want that vitamin C glow without the oily sheen now when you do put this on it does have an initially oily texture which is why it absorbs so well into oily skin but it absorbs in about 20 seconds so it just goes and gets absorbed by the skin like that but while it does that it does not aggravate oil production so it doesn't add to the problem now as mentioned it does have three ingredients total and two of those super potent ingredients being the vitamin C from the ascorbic acid as well as the Alpha are beaten and because it is so it could be a little bit irritating because again this stuff is strong if you have oily skin that is not sensitive I would recommend trying it because it works so magically and it absorbs in 20 seconds so well and it does not give you more grease again if you're sensitive pop back over to three minutes of the video and learn a little bit more about the ascorbic trysil palmitate if you do want to download this little guide that I made for you so that you can take it with you while you shop or just reference it when you're browsing online feel free to do so communities that talked a lot about  ingredients and products and might be able to help you learn a little bit more or that you can post in or ask if you want Thanks for reading…..






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