10 super health benefits of strawberries. The strawberry is known as the fruits queens in Asia countries since its rich health Benefits. These juicy lovely heart-shaped have much more beneficial with sweetness and flavor also considered as superpower food. we commonly know it has vitamin C to promote immune system, but also more

Than this top 10 health benefits of strawberries.

1;  Burn Away Collected Fat

contains anthocyanins in attacked a stimulant to burn the stored fat. Study shows who eat anthocyanins, 

~ gained less 24% weight than diet without anthocyanins.

2;  Improve From Short-Term Memory

Journal of agricultural and food chemistry shows the anthocyanins helps to cure to short-term memory by 100% in just two months.

3;  Rich fiber and low calories

just with cup contains about 55 calories it's best natural sweetness to add into your yogurt or oatmeal without worry about fats such as from sugar or milk.

4;  Relief inflammation

 strawberries helps reduce blood levels of c-reactive protein CRP is inflammation in body based on study who ate about more than 15 strawberries a week helps 14% reduce spikes of levels

of CRP.

 5;  Lower Cardiovascular Disease

 Flavonoids richness benefits for the color and flavor which effectively helps to also reduce the risk for heart disease.

 6; Strengthen Bone Health

 High in potassium vitamin K and magnesium are essential to work with calcium together to strengthen your healthy bone.

 7; Reduce Risk From Cancer

vitamin C fellate and the CNN's Boris Aten and keen for all few of flavonoids and best antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic agent.

consume then daily to  

 fight against cancer and tumor growth reduction risk of metastasis hazardous cancer cells.

 8;  Anti-Aging Agent

strawberries contain high and biotin known essential to help you increase strength of hair and nails its antioxidant ellagic acid to prevent sagging by protecting elastic fibers inside our skin.

 9;  Boost Metabolism

 The compound nitrate oxide found to

~promotes blood flow and boost oxygen in our body and both helpful for weight loss with metabolism boosts.

10; Maintain Healthy Eye

eating just more than 3 servings of strawberries helps to lower risk of macular degeneration ( vision loss).


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