In today's blog I am going to talk about some health benefits of eating watermelon why you should eat it daily and at which time of the day you should eat watermelon all coming up in this Blog.

Watermelon as a sweet and refreshing fruit it has only 46 calories per cup here is a health benefits quick list of watermelon watermelon for dehydration watermelon is high in water it hydrates and helps you feel full if you have dehydration problem eating watermelon daily will surely help watermelon is high in nutrients watermelon as a low-calorie fruit that contains some very beneficial nutrients especially carotenoids vitamin C and citric acid here are some nutritional facts about watermelon one cup of watermelon contains vitamin C 21 percent of reference daily intake are di vitamin A 18% are di potassium 5% of are di magnesium 4% are di and vitamins b1 b5 and b6 3% are di.

Watermelon controls blood pressure researchers found that water melon extract reduced blood pressure in and around the ankles of middle-aged people with obesity and early hypertension citrulline present in watermelon helps to manage high blood pressure.

Watermelon helps in cancer prevention some compounds in watermelon including Cucurbitaceae and lycopene have been studied for their anti-cancer properties which provide shielding effect for cancer and helps to prevent it watermelon as a heart attack guard heart disease considered the leading cause of death in the world watermelon contains many heart-healthy ingredients including lycopene citrulline and other vitamins and minerals.

Watermelon lowers inflammation lycopene in watermelon makes it makes at an anti inflammatory fruit lycopene inhibits various anti-inflammatory processes and also acts as an antioxidant to neutralize free radicals watermelon lowers inflammation and oxidative damage it is rich in the anti-inflammatory antioxidants lycopene and vitamin C watermelon helps in muscle pain relief watermelon juice after exercise has some potential for recovery drinks citrulline may be partly responsible for its effect on reducing muscle soreness.

watermelon is good for skin and hair watermelon has many nutrients that are good for your hair and skin some of which help in keeping the skin supple while other provides protection from the Sun.

 Watermelon is best for digestion watermelon contains a lot of water and fiber both of these are very important for good digestion bottom-line watermelon as an amazingly healthy fruit it is high in water and provides many other important nutrients including lycopene and vitamin C which means that watermelon is not just a tasty low-calorie treat it's also great for your health now that you know the health benefits of watermelon make sure to add it in your diet eat watermelon one hour before you go to bed at night for its best digestion and nutritional effects.

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